Balance. What does that word mean to you? We often talk about balancing work, family, and personal time. But is perfect balance even possible?
I've been pondering this lately, both personally and with my clients. This is an area we all struggle with. For me, I tend to go to extremes. Either work consumes me, or I focus entirely on my family.
Recognizing this about myself has made me question the quality of my efforts. Am I truly pushing my business forward? Am I present with my family? Maybe my extreme focus on each is just keeping me busy without real growth in either area.
Life is unpredictable and in my opinion the only known predictability is that surely something unexpected will arise when I least expect it.
What if, instead of fighting this, we flow with it? Perhaps achieving balance means initially working in extremes? When I stop being so critical of myself, I wonder if my intense focus on business stems from my drive to succeed and possibly, feeling guilty, I shift my focus to my family.
The one thing more important to me than finding balance between work and family is being healthy enough to to stay around and enjoy both. A few months ago, I decided my health was a priority above all else. I needed to start there and make health my first change in working towards balance.
I have tried different diet and exercise routines on and off most of my adult life. Talk about not having balance, or maybe the better word is consistency? self control? what's your reason?
I have a dear friend, Karen Lindsey, who is a Faster Way coach. As fellow coaches it is easy for us to support each other. Her focus of health & fitness align so well with my passion to help people realize the benefits of a healthy mindset.
I have seen the transformation she has been able to achieve over the past four years in her life by making her health routine a non-negotiable. Without her even pushing me, I did what any wise coach does when they need to be challenged in an area outside of their expertise. I hired her as my coach!
It has been eight weeks since I started working with Karen. Even with the plans' provided structure and my extensive knowledge of food and nutrition, my learning curve was steep for the first few weeks of doing Faster Way.
Building this habit took up more time than I wanted it to. That’s okay. I committed to learning all that I needed. I wanted to make this new routine more than just the next thing I would try. I wanted to create this non-negotiable as part of my lifestyle. I knew that this was the foundation I needed to gain the balance I craved in other areas of my life.
Having an accountability partner helped me stick with it. Slowly, I began to wake up excited to get my workout done, not wanting to miss it. I liked how my muscles felt and I was seeing the benefits of my work. With Karen’s help I figured out ways to cut my prep time down and still stick with eating the healthy foods I was now craving.
Have I gotten out of balance with this new habit since I started? Heck yes, I have! I took a brief summer vacation with my kids and allowed myself to focus on them and not worry so much about counting macros or fitting in every workout.
One thing I have learned is making time for my health is very doable without disrupting my daily routine. Have I had to let other things go to make this possible?
Yes, I am consistently getting up 30 minutes earlier, which is getting me to go to sleep a bit sooner. That is a sacrifice I am willing to make and actually a healthy adjustment.
All of this; forming new habits, falling off of them and getting back on track is part of my journey towards achieving more balance. I have learned what I am capable of with the right desire, commitment and most importantly the right accountability partner.
I am ready to apply what I have learned about myself and this experience to the next area of my life. I see how this slow and steady foundation is leading me towards eventually experiencing extremes that aren’t so extreme and finding the right balance for me.