We've almost reached the end of Q1 2024, and more importantly, we have made it out of the dark of winter! Yay us!!
It is so nice to know that no matter what our mood is (a.k.a. our current perspective), there literally are brighter days ahead of us all!
This is a good time to check in on any intentions or goals that you have set for the year. I began my year driven like a lion to reach my lofty goals, including the commitment to share this newsletter monthly.
Admittedly, I missed last month's edition, not the best start to my ambitious plans. It turns out, that is okay and I can't believe I am saying that.
I have forced myself to face a lesson that I easily expound on my clients yet I have a hard time hearing it for myself. Instead of beating myself up over a one-time, the sky is falling slip-up, (Seriously Annie, was it that bad?) This time, I chose to give myself grace. That is a is a tough one for me!
Grace /ɡrās/: (noun) courteous goodwill
What a gift to give ourselves courteous goodwill. Giving myself that grace in place of my normal habit of beating myself up with a slew of negative self-talk also helped me turn around my 'sky is falling' slip-up more quickly. Calming and centering myself more like a lamb made me take time to reflect and allowed me to leave behind that negative feeling of "failure" and ultimately kept me from talking myself out of the goal completely and just giving it up.
Here I am now, dusting off my pride. I am back on track and pushing forward with my original intention to share this newsletter monthly, including a plan I have put in place to make sure I keep it up for the remainder of the year.
We all make subconscious choices that can get in the way of our best intentions. Blame it on the speed of life or other distractions take your pick, there's always someone or something else to blame if we so choose. Maybe it's your constant hustle of pushing ahead to the next task/responsibility or allowing the mayhem of irksome chores to take the place of the important tasks you've set out to achieve.
Was I sabotaging myself? Was I afraid of the success I was seeing build? Or were the other things related to work, family, health, and kids, that I did accomplish last month truly more important? Wasting too much time in the why of it all can be counterproductive. Instead...
Give. Yourself. Grace.
Take a moment to breathe, reflect, and appreciate the growth you have achieved, and then let the negative thoughts go. What good are they having on your forward momentum? Make a gratitude list of all the steps, even the little ones, that you have taken toward achieving your goals, and celebrate it.
Finding your balance between being a lion, driven and ambitious, and a lamb, gentle and reflective, is challenging, so keep working on it. It will always be there to challenge you and test your balance.