Ooops, I was Busy Manifesting

Annie Dietz • August 30, 2024

I’ve been so busy this month…


How is it August 30th already? I was so busy manifesting, I lost track of time.

*Warning* this post may contain information deemed too ‘woo-woo’ for some, such as talk of the magnificent possibilities of manifestation and how it is changing my life. 

In my humble opinion, this sh*t works! In fact, I manifested my son getting into his dream high school in JUST FIVE days.

Let me explain…

Some public schools in our community require you to go through an application and interview process. My son’s dream high school was one of them. Due to recent policy changes, he was only eligible for 8 out of the 50 open spots. 

He did an amazing job in his interviews and testing last October. We both felt great about his chances. A friend even joked that when you googled the school, his face popped up. That is how much this school seemed a match for him.

I was certain he would attend this school and visualize it happening. We knew the odds weren’t in our favor, but I just knew it was the right place for him. 

When placements were announced in February 2024, he was waitlisted. This wasn’t part of our plan. We stayed positive and kept hope. He did eventually move from 14th to 4th on the waitlist. 

A few week before school started, I reached out again to my contact at the school. At this point, he was used to my bi-weekly check-ins. He respectfully hinted to me that, ‘this might not be his year.’

My son’s optimism faded, and mine wavered too.

I thought I understood manifestation and thought I was doing everything right—thinking positively about my son getting in, wanting it to be the right place for him, and being excited about his future there. Although we sometimes had doubts, we stayed mostly positive. So, why wasn't it working?

Here’s what I’ve learned; Manifesting is about the combination of many things including a positive mindset, aligning your emotions to your desired outcome, affirmations, gratitude, and inspired action. That may sound like a complicated recipe for success, but I have experienced it working for me in the past.

To speak in simpler terms, I'll share a post I recently ran across on Instagram from Matt Cooke. He is an award-winning manifestation coach whose reels started showing up in my feed recently. Thanks, Universe for such an on-time present. 

The way he explains the secret to manifestation is beautiful and I’ll do my best to paraphrase it here:

The universe loves us unconditionally.

Being that the universe is unconditional in its love of us, it does not judge, it merely listens to what we ask for and always says yes. 

Now think about how you set your goals. How you dream about your future. Do you do it from a place of wanting or from a place of already having?

When we want something, say you want more money, without judgement the universe gives you just that, the wanting.

We aren’t always conscious of how we might be speaking from a place that invites lack. And since the universe is always unconditionally going to say yes, we are gifted the wanting.

When you can change your thinking to already having and shift your thoughts to come from a place of abundance for what you already have, you are telling the universe that you are grateful for your abundance. Thusly, abundance is delivered to you.

Back to me manifesting such a big win in five short days.

A week ahead of school starting, I got an intuitive nudge. I felt drawn to bring my daily meditation practice back. I hadn’t been consistent with it in months. 

I went to my studio and did a short meditation to ground myself and get back on track. Then I spent some time journaling. 

With all signs suggesting my son wouldn't get into his dream school, I decided, what could it hurt to give one last try.

This time, without attachment to the outcome, I journaled about receiving an email saying he was off the waitlist and ready to be enrolled. I imagined buying his school supplies, dropping him off on the first day, and watching him walk in. I wrote about all of this.

After that, I let it go. I wasn’t concerned with how it would come to be, I was too focused on feeling my gratitude for it having already happened. This, I find, is a beautiful side effect of manifestation. When I set my thoughts from a place of abundance, I feel an increased sense of gratitude for how things unfold in my life overall.

I repeated my journaling daily Tuesday through Friday. Each day writing my desired outcome in the present tense, feeling positive and grateful, then letting it go. I felt excitement and joy for the outcome as if it had already happened, not longing.

At 10:52 am Friday morning, just moments before I had to be on a Zoom call, I checked my email. 

There it was. The email I had manifested.

A spot had opened.

Through uncontrollable laughter and tears, I re-read the email a million times. I went to the school website for proof he had been taken off of the waitlist and to confirm that I wasn’t imagining it. I couldn’t stop laughing at what I had done and what the universe had gifted me. 

We are two weeks into his freshman year and he is still coming home excited. Let me be real, he is 14, so maybe not visibly excited, but happier all the same.

And there you have it—manifestation in action. With the right mindset, clear intention, and a bit of gratitude, what seemed impossible became a reality. If you think can get behind believing in the power of manifesting, give it a try, and start with something small. Think it, feel it, be it, then forget it. You might be surprised at what the universe delivers. 

By Annie Dietz December 8, 2024
Sometimes, life has a funny way of showing us what we need most. This summer, I had an interesting experience that shifted my perspective on abundance or should I say, profoundly impacted my view of lack. It all started with a small patch outside of my studio where I planted zinnea seeds for a second year. They had been so impressive the first year and I was excited to watch them thrive again over the summer. Despite my best efforts, nothing took root. I felt a bit defeated staring at the bare soiI. I really let it bum me out. It wasn’t a very impressive view for my clients to look out onto during our sessions. I knew that my reaction to the seeds not taking wasn’t rational, yet I couldn’t shake it. I realized that I was taking on the failed flowers as a metaphor for my state of mind at that time, I was relating my inability to grow the flowers to a feeling anxiety that had been growing in my mind because I had gotten hyper focused on a feeling lack. Then something unexpected happened. A volunteer cherry tomato plant sprouted in the very same spot where my flower seeds had failed. Some little bird, or squirrel ‘deposited’ a seed right where I couldn’t get the flowers to bloom. My mom swears it was from the compost that she gave me from her yard, I like the idea of an animal leaving it. However it got there, it was growing stronger by the day. As the weeks went by, that little plant flourished beyond what anyone could imagine. It grew to over eight feet wide and six feet tall, yielding hundreds of little tomatoes. It seemed like every day, there were more bright red tomatoes waiting to be picked. I made meal after meal with the fruit. One harvest inspired me to make the best balsamic, mozzarella tomato side dish for a dinner party of 12 and we even had leftovers! Anytime a friend stopped by I begged them to take some it was impossible to keep up with the production before they burst and spoiled. As my girlfriend Lisa was busy picking away at the gargantuan bush, all the sudden hit me, why in the world was I allowing myself to feel stuck in lack? Sure, this plant wasn’t printing money to pay my electric bill, but I didn’t buy one tomato all summer and I shared the abundance with friends. Life was showing me how abundance can show up in the most unexpected, yet beautiful ways. When I was able to slow down and appreciate this gift, I recognized the value of letting go of control. Abundance often shows up where we least expect it. When we hold on too tight to what we think should be, we can miss a gift that is right in front of us. Shifting my mindset to one of gratitude for what did show up gave me permission to nurture and share the abundance with those around me.
By Annie Dietz November 25, 2024
How do you reset from stress? I was lucky enough to travel to Spain for a coaching conference at the end of October. What an amazing experience I had, both the travel and the conference itself. Unfortunately, I came home with covid which totally threw off my plans of hitting the ground running. With no choice but to give in to my malaise, I rescheduled all of my appointments and began the cycle of sleeping for 15 hour stretches over the next 10 days. We make plans and God laughs That was the thought that popped into my mind as I reluctantly buried my head in my pillows. The original Yiddish expression is ‘Man Plans, God Laughs.’ When the little voice in my head said those words, all I could do was laugh to myself, “Alright”, I said to the empty room, “I get it Universe, you win!” I had such great momentum in my coaching business and a well laid out plan to keep it going when I was back in the States. Having to pivot for covid could have derailed me for the remainder of 2024. Luckily, through my personal journey and coach training I have become well practiced in stress management. I didn’t always have my stress under control. There was a time in the not too recent past that lived in a constant state of survival. My big Ah-Ha was realizing that I was the primary creator of my own stress . By staying busy and frazzled, I was unconsciously avoiding deeper feelings and truths that I wasn’t prepared to face. As Thanksgiving arrives a week later than normal this year, making Christmas less than a month away, it seems a good time to talk about stress. Whether our stress stems from being so excited to host and wanting to have everything just right for the big meal, or we are dreading a family gathering and what Uncle Bob is going to say to embarrass everyone, this is the perfect time for a reminder to slow down and take a moment for yourself. Oh yeah right Annie, how is there time for that, you ask? Not only is there time, it is crucial to take it so that we don’t burn ourselves out. Even if it is just a 20 minute break, going for a walk, doing one less thing on your to do list, it is so important. Filling your bucket first makes us all much more able to give to others from compassion versus from resentment. If it all feels like too much, consider this, when you feel yourself becoming stressed, don’t fast forward past it. Take a moment to consciously look at it. Sit with it and ask yourself, where does this stem from? Are you feeding into your stress? What do you have control over? Now, I am not saying that this week is the week to unpack those deeper feelings, just become aware of them. Since many of us will be with family, there will be opportunities to see old habits and patterns arise. And, just as we created those patterns and habits that aren't serving us any longer, we can replace them with new healthier thoughts and behaviors. That is what I love about coaching. There is science behind changing our behavior for the better so that we can live a calmer and more balanced life. Interested in learning more? Book a Clarity Call with me , I’d love to hear about your holidays and what you’ve discovered about yourself. Who knows, maybe you’ll uncover a pattern that you are ready to break.
By Annie Dietz October 3, 2024
I have no earthly idea what happened, I swear that September 1st was just last week. Here we are already at the start of the 4th quarter of 2024. I doesn’t feel that long ago that I was writing my January article challenging you on your New Year’s Resolutions. Ah, resolutions, something many of us set towards the end of December or as the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve in an attempt to redeem ourselves from six weeks of over indulging with friends and loved ones. I find that resolutions fall off of our todo list more often than they become healthy habits that we weave into our lives. I much prefer to intentions to resolutions. To me, intentions are goals that we strive to keep because they are a more fluid idea that helps us focus on the present moment and guide our actions toward a more fulfilling life. Intentions are easier to adjust along the way. By definition, resolutions are more of an all or nothing, pass/fail situation that can leave you feeling unaccomplished if not completed just so. Such as committing to going to the gym six days a week or doing Whole30 for the month of January. We start strong, committing for the first few weeks, then losing steam before a true habit is formed and our behavior is changed. October is the time of year that I always start thinking ahead and planning what the next year will look like for my personal and professional goals. This past August, I shared with you my manifestation journey and I have to say, everything that I desired to manifest has happened or is in motion! I’m super excited, so where next? Here’s what I want to share with you as you begin thinking about your goals for next year. Whether you are planning for your personal growth or professional development: How do you want to feel? Thats right, as you begin to dream big and explore your intentions for 2025, how do you want to feel? What are your wishes and desires? What fuels you? What will achieving this thing make you feel? I found a workbook I had picked up a few years ago from the author, Danielle LaPorte, called The Desire Map, in it she explains that, “ Desire drives more than our animal instincts. Desire is the power of wanting. It’s an engine of creativity and purposeful force. When we desire something, we’re willing to plot and plan to get it… In all cases, desiring something forces us to get creative in order to work out how were going to get what we want. ” And all desires stem from a feeling. Let’s use a financial goal as an example, instead of plainly stating “I want to be making $xx by Q2 2025,” what if you instead committed to, “I am so excited that I have reached my financial goal of $xx and my kids and I are going on our dream vacation to the mountains in May.” When we can come from feeling we feed our soul, and our goals based in emotion better challenge our growth. What do you think? Can you set aside for a moment all of the facts from financial obligations to family responsibilities that are swimming around in your head with all of your other to do’s and genuinely focus on how you want to feel? As a special treat for those of you who are also planning for your intentions for 2025 and beyond, here is a visualization that I created for the Vision Boarding class I teach each January. It’s a chance to get lost in your future and all the feels it gives you. I hope you find it inspiring in setting your inventions for a kick ass 2025, because it is never too soon to start dreaming about your desired future. If you’re interested in chatting more about your goals for 2025, I welcome you to book a free 15-minute clarity call with me by going to my calendar here. Or by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
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